News from the Lab
July 2020. New paper from the lab in the International Journal of Radiation Biology! Drawing from the experience of radiobiologists and radioecologists, the paper describe the challenges in developing an ecosystem approach in radioecology and radiation protection.
June 2020. New paper from the lab published in Science of the Total Environment! The paper argues for ecosystem approaches to analyzing the effects of radioactive contamination and conducting radiological risk assessment.
April 2020. New paper from the lab published in Science of the Total Environment! The paper shows a range of transcriptomic effects of Deepwater Horizon oil in Seaside Sparrows from Louisiana salt marshes. April 2020. Andrea was interviewed by Audubon Magazine about disruption of ornithological research due to the COVID-19 pandemic. March 2020. The lab presented four posters and three talks at the 2020 CPP Student Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities (RSCA) Conference. Congratulations to everyone!
November 2019. The lab presented several posters (Raul's work on PFAS prevalence; Aaron's work on oxidative stress in Seaside Sparrows exposed to oil, and Samia's work on the effects of ionizing radiation on Daphnia) and one talk (myself, on radiation dose estimation in birds) at 2019 SETAC North America Meeting in Toronto.
July 2019. Raul Flamenco's research on prevalence of PFAS in bird tissues throughout the world is featured on Audubon Magazine Summer 2019 Issue. PI Andrea was interviewed for the article. You can browse the map visualizing PFOS concentrations in birds throughout the world here.
August 2019. Raul presented his research on PFAS in birds at SETAC Focused Topic Meeting on PFAS in Durham, NC.
November 2018. The lab attends SETAC 2018 in Sacramento, CA.
Alex, Anthony, Aaron, Samia, Yeraldi and PI Andrea all traveled to Sacramento for the annual Conference of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). Anthony, Yeraldi and Alex presented their posters, while PI Andrea chaired a session on science communication and presented a talk in the session. Good job everyone!